Tuesday, March 4, 2014

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Section I   Speaking of the unspeakable      page 21

Chapter 1    How I am using these words      page.22
Chapter 2    An apophatic formula                  page 27
Chapter 3    Unspeakable terror                      page 34
Chapter 4    Openness and surrender             page 36
Chapter 5    Self-deception                               page 42
Chapter 6    Apophatic flaw                               page 43
Chapter 7    Mysticism: what can we say?     page 45


I heard Shaykh Abu ‘Abd ar-Rahman as-Sulami, Allah have mercy on him, say: I heard al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali say: I heard ‘Ammi al-Bistimi say:

I heard my father say I asked Abu Yazid about his beginning and his renunciation.

He said: “Renunciation has no station.”

I asked: “Why?”

He said: “Because I spent three days in renunciation.  When the fourth day came, I left it behind.  The first day I renounced this world and what it contains.  The second day I renounced the world to come and what it contains.  When the fourth day arrived, nothing remained for me other than God.  I understood.  I heard a voice saying: ‘Abu Yazid, you will not be able to endure being with us.’”

I said: “This is what I want.”

I heard a voice saying: “You’ve found.  You’ve found!”

(Trans: Michael Sells)  “Early Islamic Mysticism” Translated and Edited by Michael A. Sells  


Chapter 2

“This nothingness is her falling into the certainty of knowing nothing and wanting nothing.  And this nothingness of which we speak, called Love, gives her all.”
                                                             Marguerite Porete
                                                             (translated by Thomas Hall)